The possibilites are endless...

Your SMS business in a boxThe total number of mobile subscribers worldwide at the end of 2005 grew to 2.129 billion.

Mobile phone penetration globally is forecast to grow to over 50% by 2009. Key growth is in the Asia Pacific region, with vast opportunities in China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

By 2011, the Asia Pacific region will account for approximately 50% of the worlds entire mobile subscriber base, with a staggering 1.067 billion subscribers between China and India.

The number of mobile subscribers in Africa at the end of 2005 was 113.55m, this is forecast to rise to 378m by 2011

By providing a country specific International Text Messaging service, particularly in a local language, you can tap into this huge opportunity.

Remember, you could be up and running a service like this tomorrow, to learn more or arrange a live demonstration, simply contact us here.